Playing Over The Chances

PLAYING OVER THE CHANGES is a simple and practical method divided into three volumes
and aimed at all guitarists who want to learn how to improvise on harmonic structures, from the
simplest ones of pop and blues music to the more complex ones of jazz standards. In this first
volume the harmonic study of the major scale system, of the pentatonic and be-bop scales is
deepened through 182 melodic examples transcribed on stave and tablature. All the examples
are also available in Mp4 video format downloadable from the link found within the pages of this
book. "Playing on the Changes" is an indispensable method for all guitarists who wish to learn in
an organized, easy and intuitive way to successfully improvise on the articulated harmonic
changes of the jazz standards,changes.

More info on the website:

Playing Over The Chances

NBE Corp. - Vaclavova 2, 160 005 Prague 6 [email protected]